Rome, 23/02/2025
Santini Law Firm, currently, assists different typologies of clients as:
Santini Law Firm (Office of Rome), currently assists small and big size companies (from 2 to 20.000 employees, both National and International) It is forbidden pursuant to the Italian ethic code of the Attorneys, to publish the list of the Law Firm’s clients. Anyway, we can provide the new clients with a “reference letter” from the current clients. Santini Law Firm |
Approfondimenti: Assistenza legale - Assegno di mantenimento - Assegno divorzile - Civilista - Matrimonialista - Avvocati Roma - Avvocato Roma - Divorzista - Diritto di Famiglia - Affidamento condiviso - Consulenza societaria - Separazione giudiziale