Rome, 18/01/2025


Studio Legale Santini has a robust seminar and events program focused on corporation, business and financing issues. Our attorneys regularly host and participate in seminars and courses.

November 2008 – Seminars and specialising course on the conciliation for companies (ADR) – Location: Studio Legale Santini – Rome (for further information please visit the following web site:

Both for internal use and as a supplementary updating service, our Law Firm publishes many juridical articles, publication, newsletters, prepared by our  Law Office in Rome, on new developments in Italian and International laws, regulations and judicial decisions.

Our Law Firm regularly organizes, cooperates and participates in significant seminars, conferences and conventions of scientific and professional interest.

Partners and associates of the our Italian Law Firm, regularly publish legal articles within their professional field of expertise, a selection of which is included in the section called “Publications” of our law firm's web site.
The contents of the publications of Our Italian Law Firm are covered by copyright and are intended to provide general information only. They do not constitute legal advice. Neither the Law Firm nor the persons of the law firm involved can be held liable for the use made of information contained therein nor for any mistake or error that may exist despite care taken in the drafting and revision of the same.

Should a legal opinion be required on any specific item, a partner of the Law Firm should be consulted directly.

A.N.A.C: Meeting in Vatican with the Pope Benedetto XVI


Approfondimenti: Assistenza legale - Assegno di mantenimento - Assegno divorzile - Civilista - Matrimonialista - Avvocati Roma - Avvocato Roma - Divorzista - Diritto di Famiglia - Affidamento condiviso - Consulenza societaria - Separazione giudiziale