Rome, 23/02/2025


Santini law firm is a medium size law office in Rome; the firm represents domestic and international companies on matters such as trade law, corporate law, commercial law, copyright actions, intellectual property rights enforcement, trademarks opposition procedures, labor law.
Our Law Office also provides legal support and assistance in litigation matter.
The assistance from our law firm is offered through all the degrees of judgment, including urgent and precautionary proceedings.
Our Law Firm provides legal assistance on corporate, financial and commercial law to medium and big size companies (domestic and international).

Santini Law Office provides legal assistance in corporate and joint venture formation, mergers and acquisitions, incorporation of companies, sale of business, company restructuring, governance, director's duties and liabilities.
The firm provides also assistance to the clients in purchase and sales of goods and properties; commercial leases and loans; employment contracts, brokerage and agency.
Santini Law Firm acts also in the area of Intellectual Property (copyrights, patents, trademarks, and trade secrets). 

Foreign company importing or exporting or investing in Italy could be interested to activity of an international law firm like Studio Legale Santini; it is a Law Firm based in Italy for international investors and traders and is available to act in all Italian regions on behalf of those international companies importing or exporting or investing in Italy. Concerning the fees and procedures, Our law firm will previously explain to the clients all costs and steps to be followed during the entire procedure, also communicating the name of the attorneys involved in the case.
Studio Legale Santini is also skilled in Italian commercial law, international commercial law and business law for companies.  
Santini law firm assists the client in order to determine the strategy in selling, finding the strategic partner and merging the client company.   
For this purpose Santini Law Firm, will assist the client in order:

    • To value the subject company for different types of buyers, i.e., fair market, investment, strategic, public or private.
    • To develop a marketing package, including an offering memorandum which provides the value of the company.
    • To analyze the potential acquirer, merger partner, or other player to make certain that there is a strategic fit.
    • To structure, negotiate and close the transaction.


    Approfondimenti: Assistenza legale - Assegno di mantenimento - Assegno divorzile - Civilista - Matrimonialista - Avvocati Roma - Avvocato Roma - Divorzista - Diritto di Famiglia - Affidamento condiviso - Consulenza societaria - Separazione giudiziale